Terms & Conditions


October 2024


In relation to the General Rules for Account Management and Interactive Instant Win Games and the Interactive Instant Win Game Specific Rules as published on 6th October 2023, should there be any conflict between the General Rules for Account Management and Interactive Instant Win Games and the Interactive Instant Win Game Specific Rules (where relevant) and these Interactive Terms and Conditions then the General Rules for Account Management and Interactive Instant Win Games and the Interactive Instant Win Game Specific Rules (where relevant), will prevail.

The interactive games website which is accessed via the “Website is owned and operated by Premier Lotteries Ireland DAC (the “Company”, “PLI”, “We” or “Us”). A number of terms are defined throughout these Terms and Conditions. To see these defined terms, please click here. Alternatively, and if viewing on a mobile or smart device, these definitions are shown at the end of these Terms and Conditions on this page).


The Regulator has granted a licence to Premier Lotteries Ireland Designated Activity Company authorising it to hold the National Lottery on the Minister’s behalf, in accordance with the National Lottery Act 2013.

For a copy of these Terms and Conditions, the Data Privacy Statement and the Game Rules or for any further information about the National Lottery and its Games please telephone the National Lottery Customer Support Team, at 01 889 1000 or by writing to The Customer Support Team, 1GQ, George's Quay, Dublin 2, D02 Y098 or by accessing the Website.

The price of each Play for every Game will be displayed on the Game Details Screen in advance of a Play. This information is also available in the Specific Game Rules.

In choosing to purchase a Play the Player must choose a particular game from the list of games available on the Website. Each game is clearly indicated and a Player must make a choice from those available.

After Play, the Player is informed if he is a winner and how much he has won, if anything. Section 5 (H) and (L) of these Terms and Conditions sets out details of the period within which prizes must be claimed.

These Terms and Conditions set out the various rules and procedures that you will need to follow in order to access and use this Website and to open and maintain your Account. These Terms and Conditions also provide information on Games and apply to all Plays on the Website. PLI will also issue Game Rules and We recommend that you are familiar with these Terms and Conditions and the Game Rules before a Play. The Game Rules and the Data Privacy Statement are hereby incorporated into and form part of these Terms and Conditions.

Please read the following Terms and Conditions and the Games Rules carefully as they are the legal terms you agree to abide by when you access and use this Website and when you open an Account to Play online. We strongly recommend that you print a copy of these Terms and Conditions for your own records.

Unregistered Users

If you simply want to browse around the Website, there is no need to register with Us. However, by accessing and using this Website, you agree that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions in Part I and the Data Privacy Statement. If you do not agree to accept and abide by these Terms and Conditions and the Data Privacy Statement you should not use this Website.

Registered Users

When registering as a Player, you will be asked to tick a box confirming that you have read,
understood and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions set out in Part I and the additional Terms and Conditions set out in Part II which apply to registered users. If you do not agree to accept and abide by these Terms and Conditions, relevant Game Rules and the Data Privacy Statement you should not use this Website.


Use of this Website

This Website is controlled and operated by PLI from Ireland. The information contained in this Website is solely for the use of players and prospective players of Games in Ireland and is not intended to offer or encourage participation in any of the Games by persons physically outside Ireland. For the avoidance of doubt, the information contained in this Website does not constitute an offer or invitation to treat on the part of PLI to any person who is physically outside Ireland to participate in any PLI games or lotteries other than by way of Scheduled Play, which instruction to participate continuously must be made when You are physically located in Ireland.

Please note: Game availability may vary between what is available on www.lottery.ie and the National Lottery App and across different operating systems. For the full suite of available Games, please visit the Website. Additionally, some features available on the National Lottery App (e.g., shake functionality and ticket scanner) may not be available on www.lottery.ie and vice versa.

In accessing this Website, you do so at your own risk and on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. Use of this Website and/or purchase of any Games offered by way of this Website from a location outside Ireland may be unlawful under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction pertaining to such conduct and (whether or not unlawful) constitutes breach of these Terms and Conditions and may result in, amongst other penalties, immediate termination of Your Player Account and your right to use this Website.

All use by you of this Website is at your own risk. You assume complete responsibility for, and for all risk of loss resulting from, Your downloading and/or using of, or referring to or relying on the content of or any other information obtained from your use of this Website. You agree that PLI and providers of telecommunications and network services to PLI will not be liable for damages arising out of your use or your inability to use this Website, and you hereby waive any and all claims with respect thereto, and whether based on contract, tort or other grounds.

You agree not to use this Website to engage in any unlawful activities including without limitation, activities which:

(a) infringe the proprietary or intellectual property rights of PLI and/or its licensors and/or third parties;

(b) compromise the privacy of others;

(c) are immoral, illegal or advocating of illegal activity;

(d) destroy the integrity of any data or other computer based information;

(e) violate local, state, or national laws of any country;

(f) reveal trade secrets, unless you own them or have the permission of the copyright owner;

(g) infringe on any privacy or publicity rights of others;

(h) impersonate another person.

You also agree not to;

(i) interfere with or disrupt (or attempt to interfere with or disrupt) this Website or servers or networks connected to this Website, or to disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to this Website;

(j) provide any information to PLI that is false or misleading, that attempts to hide your identity or that you do not have the right to disclose;

(k) use the Website or the Interactive Channels in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden or impair the Website or the Interactive Channels or interfere with any other party’s use and/or enjoyment of the Website or the Interactive Channels;

(l) attempt to gain unauthorised access to the Website or the Interactive Channels or any Accounts, computer systems and networks connected to the Website (or any PLI website), its facilities and/or services through hacking, password mining or any other means;

(m) use this Website to impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise to misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.

You hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless PLI against any claims, proceedings and actions taken and all damages (including costs) that may be awarded or agreed to be paid to any third party in respect of any claim or action arising as a result of your breach of this condition or any of the items listed at (a) to (m) above.





Limitation Of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, neither PLI nor any of its officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates or other representatives will be liable for loss or damages arising out of or in connection with your use of the Website or the Interactive Channels including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential loss or damages, loss of data, loss of income, profit or opportunity, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties, even if PLI has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damages, or such loss or damages were reasonably foreseeable. In no event shall PLI nor any of its officers, directors, agents, employees, affiliates or other representatives be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever resulting from the statements or conduct of any third party or the interruption, suspension or termination of the Website and/or the Interactive Channels, whether such interruption, suspension or termination was justified or not, negligent or intentional, inadvertent or advertent.

Without limiting the foregoing, under no circumstances shall PLI or any of its officers, directors, agents, employees, affiliates or other representatives be held liable for any delay or failure in performance resulting directly or indirectly from acts of nature, forces or causes beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, internet failure, computer equipment failures, telecommunication failures, other equipment failures, electrical power failures, strikes, riots, interactions, civil disturbances, shortages of labour or materials, fires, storms, explosions, acts of God, war, governmental actions, orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals, delays, losses, errors or omissions made by the postal or other delivery services or the banking system, or the non- performance of a third party.

PLI does not exclude liability for fraud or for death or personal injury caused by our negligence (or that of our employees or authorised representatives).

In any event, your sole remedy under these Terms and Conditions will be the reimbursement to you of the monies paid by you in respect of the relevant Game.


You agree to defend, indemnify and hold PLI (and as applicable, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, subsidiaries, affiliates and any of our third party information service providers) harmless against any and all demands, losses, expenses, damages and costs, including legal costs, and claims made by or liabilities to any third party resulting from any activities conducted under Your Account, your use or misuse of the Website and/or or the Interactive Channels, including but not limited to posting content on the Website, Plays on the Website, infringing any third party’s intellectual property or other rights, or otherwise arising out of your breach of these Terms and Conditions.

Intellectual Property Rights

The information, content, graphics, text, sounds, images, buttons, trade marks, get up, service marks, trade names and logos (the "Materials") contained in this Website are protected by copyright, trade mark, database right, sui generis right and other intellectual property laws, under national laws and international treaties.

You are granted a limited licence solely for your own personal, non-commercial use to refer to, bookmark or point to any page within this Website, and to download the Materials contained on this Website to an internet enabled device, and to print a single hard copy of the Materials contained on this Website for your own personal reference, provided however that all copyright, trade mark and other proprietary notices are left intact. The grant of this limited licence is conditional on your agreement to, and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. Any other use of the Materials on this Website, including any form of copying or reproduction (for any purposes other than those noted above) modification, distribution, re-publication, extraction, re-utilisation, incorporation or integration with other materials or works or re-delivery using framing technology, without the prior written permission of PLI, is strictly prohibited and is in violation of the proprietary rights of PLI.

Other rules may apply to certain software and other items provided as part of this Website. Any special rules will be listed as “legal notices” on our Website and are incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by this reference. All software that is made available for downloading from our Website (“Software”) is protected by copyright and may be protected by other rights. You may only use such Software for the purposes of using this Website, and may not copy, reproduce, distribute or create derivative works based on the Software. Except as expressly permitted by applicable law, you agree not to disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer any of the Software for any reason, or permit any third party to do so. The use of such Software may also be governed by the terms in the software licence agreement or applicable “legal notice” accompanying such Software. The downloading and use of such Software is conditional on your agreement to be bound by the terms of the relevant software licence agreement or designated “legal notice”.

Hypertext links to this Website are prohibited without the prior written consent of PLI.

National Lottery (and logo) and all other trade marks and logos registered by PLI are trade marks of PLI. All other trade marks, service marks, trade names and logos contained in this Website belong to their respective owners.

PLI and/or its licensors (as the case may be) retains all right, title, interest and intellectual property rights in and to the Materials and the Software. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any licence or right under any copyright, patent, trade mark, database right, sui generis right or other intellectual property or proprietary interest of PLI, its affiliates or any third party.


Although PLI endeavours to ensure the Website and the Interactive Channels are available during gaming hours as determined by PLI from time to time, there may be occasions when interruption to the Website and/or the Interactive Channels may occur, e.g., to allow maintenance, upgrades and emergency repairs to take place, or due to failure of telecommunications links and equipment that are beyond our control. You agree that PLI shall not be liable to you for any loss incurred by you resulting from the modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Website and/or the Interactive Channels.

Links to other Websites

PLI makes no representations, warranties or undertakings about any content of or information on any other Website referred to or accessed by hypertext link through this Website or from which this Website is referred to or accessed by hypertext link ("third party site"). PLI does not endorse or approve the content of any third party site, nor will PLI have any liability in connection with any third party site (including but not limited to liability arising out of any allegation that the content of or information on any third party site infringes any law or the rights of any person or entity). No judgment or warranty is made with respect to the accuracy, timeliness or suitability of the content of any third party site, and any and all liability which might arise out of, or in connection with, your use or reliance on the content of or information on, or the performance of, any third party site is excluded. Nor can PLI guarantee that the controller of any third party Website will respect your privacy in the same manner as PLI.

Amendment of Terms

PLI reserves the right to change the content, presentation, performance, use and facilities and availability of any part of this Website and/or the Interactive Channels at its sole discretion and without liability to you, including the Terms and Conditions and you should check these Terms and Conditions regularly for any changes.

Occasionally PLI may:

(a) change the technical specifications of the Website and/or the Interactive Channels or any portion thereof; or

(b) suspend the Website and/or the Interactive Channels or any portion thereof for operational reasons such as repair, maintenance or improvement of the Website and/or the Interactive Channels or any portion thereof or because of an emergency; or

(c) change the system resource limits applicable to your use of the Website and/or the Interactive Channels or any portion thereof.


The failure of PLI to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavour to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the Terms and Conditions remain in full force and effect. The Terms and Conditions (incorporating the Game Rules and Data Privacy Statement) represent the entire understanding and agreement between you and PLI relating to use of this Website, and supersede any and all prior statements, understandings or agreements whether oral or written.

Data Privacy Statement

We respect and protect the privacy of the individuals who access and use this Website. For full details of the type of information We collect, how We use it and under what circumstances We disclose information, please read the Data Privacy Statement, which is hereby incorporated into and forms part of these Terms and Conditions.

Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ireland, and you hereby agree for the benefit of PLI, and without prejudice to the right of PLI to take proceedings in relation to the Terms and Conditions before any other court of competent jurisdiction, that the courts of Ireland shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any action or proceedings that may arise out of or in connection with the Terms and Conditions, and for such purposes you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts.


To go directly to the page containing all defined terms used herein, please click here.


(a) The Terms and Conditions, the Data Privacy Statement, the Game Rules and the statements and explanations appearing on the applicable Game Details Screen constitute the entire agreement between You and the Company in relation to Your Account and Your Plays.

(b) In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the various documents set out at
(a) above, the order of precedence is:

(i) these Terms and Conditions;
(ii) the applicable Game Rules;
(iii) Data Privacy Statement;
(iv) the statements and explanations appearing on the applicable Game Details Screen.

(c) We may modify or change these Terms and Conditions and/or any Game Rules from time to time. Any such changes shall be effective from the time that the changed Terms and Conditions are posted on the Website and shall be binding on Players.

(d) You should also note that any changes to these Terms and Conditions and/or any Game Rules will apply to any procedures in place relating to claiming Prizes, even if You have won a Prize prior to such changes.

(e) We may from time to time limit the activity and/or financial expenditure of any and/or all Players. Such limits as may be imposed by PLI at its sole discretion may be varied in respect of any individual Player or in respect of all Players.


(A) Registration

In order to register with Us, We will need certain information from You, including information from which Your identity can be established including Identification Information (as and when required). You agree to ensure that such information is true, accurate, up to date and is kept complete on an ongoing basis. Your failure to comply with this clause constitutes a breach of these Terms and Conditions and may result in, among other penalties, immediate termination or suspension of Your Account and Your right to use this Website. You agree that PLI may take reasonable measures to verify the information You have provided in accordance with the Data Privacy Statement.

(1) Account Registration Criteria

You may not open an Account unless and until You:

(i) are resident in Ireland;
(ii) are not a Minor;
(iii) do not already have an Account;
(iv) are an authorised user of a registered Payment card, which has not been reported lost or stolen; and
(v) have provided the Identification Information (as and when required)

If You do not satisfy these criteria, then You may not proceed with Registration and You may not open an Account.

The system will establish Your eligibility to Play by requiring You to:

(a) tick a box confirming You are eighteen years of age or older and a legal resident of Ireland; and

(b) tick a box confirming You have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Data Privacy Statement, and these Terms and Conditions; and
(c) upload Your Identification Information

The Company reserves the right to refuse to pay You a Prize or allow You to withdraw funds if You and/or Your registered Payment Card no longer meet the criteria set out above.

(2) How to Register

In order to open an Account, You will be required to submit certain information to assist Us in verifying whether You are entitled to register, as set out above in Clause 2 (A)(1). The information that You will be required to supply will include, without limitation, Your:

(a) first name, surname;

(b) address;

(c) date of birth;

(d) gender;

(e) phone number;

(f) email address and password;

(g) own security questions (“log-In hints”);

(h) spending limit preferences;

(i) communication preferences;

(j) Payment Card expiration dates, cardholder name, card number and any other relevant details;

(k) Identification Information (as and when required).

You acknowledge that:

(a) Low-Tier Prizes will be paid to Your Wallet;

(b) Mid-Tier (Level 1) Prizes will be paid electronically to the Payment Card registered to Your Account or by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”, to the address specified in Your Account. Mid-Tier (Level 2) Prizes will be paid by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only” upon completion of a Prize Claim Form and provision of Your Identification Information (if not previously provided);

(c) High-Tier Prizes will be paid by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”, at Lottery Headquarters, following a validation procedure. We will pay the Prize by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”, subject to completion of a satisfactory validation process, including but not limited to the provision of Your Identification Information;

(d) all Prizes must adhere to the Prize validation requirements set out in Clauses 5 (L), (M), (N) and (O) of these Terms and Conditions;

(e) We may ask You for further information both pre and post Registration to verify any aspect of the Registration criteria;

Once We have verified that Your Registration details satisfy our Registration criteria, You will be required to enter a Password and other security information to effect the opening of Your Account.

(3) Password Security

(a) In the event that You discover that there has been unauthorised access to Your Account, You should inform Us immediately by contacting Customer Support. As You are solely responsible for any and all activities conducted through use of Your Account, You should ensure that Your Password is kept confidential at all times. You may not permit another individual to use Your Password and/or Account and You are liable for any harm resulting from disclosing or allowing disclosure of any Password or from use by any person of Your Password to gain access to Your Account and for any and all charges under Your Account, including any unauthorised charges to Your Account made by way of access to Your Account using Your Password.

(b) You acknowledge that We may investigate any such unauthorised access to Your Account. We are not liable to You for any loss or damage You incur arising out of or in connection with such unauthorised access including where the unauthorised access has resulted from Your disclosure of Your Password to third parties, whether by negligence or otherwise.

(c) At no time should You respond to an on-line request for Your Password, except and only when You are prompted by the PLI site in order to gain access to the facilities and/or products and/or services offered by way of this site. If You are in any doubt over any request for Your Password, please contact Customer Support.

(4) New and Lost Passwords

You may change Your Password at any time by accessing the “Manage My Account” section of the Website. In the event that You forget Your Password, We will ask You a reminder question. On answering this question correctly, We will send You a temporary Password to the email address stored on the Central Gaming System with Your Account. The temporary Password will allow You access the Website where, after You log in using the temporary Password, You will be asked to create a new Password.

(B) Processing of Games-Related Information

We process all information provided by You in accordance with the Data Privacy Statement.


(A) Accuracy and Updating of Your information
You should ensure that the information that You have provided to Us during Registration or otherwise is accurate and up to date. In the event that You wish to amend or change any such information, You can do so by accessing the “Manage My Account” section of the Website.

(B) Your Account and Play limits

When Your Registration has been successfully completed and Your registered Payment Card details have been verified, subject to the provisions of this Clause 3(B), You may credit funds to the Wallet in Your Account via the Website.

We will only credit the Wallet in Your Account once We have received authorisation from Your financial institution. You may only credit the Wallet in Your Account up to a maximum value that We may specify from time to time and details of which will be made available on the Website. You are not permitted to credit the Wallet in Your Account with an amount less than a minimum figure which We will also specify from time to time on the Website.

In addition, You may adjust Your Account settings to limit the Games that You may play and the amount in aggregate that You may spend on Games. Any new expenditure limit You may set (and You can choose lower than the maximum limits set out below) cannot be further altered for a period of at least twenty-four hours. In any event, Your expenditure on Games will be subject to a daily maximum limit of €75, a weekly maximum limit of €300 and a monthly maximum limit of €900. We reserve the right to vary the daily, weekly and monthly maximum expenditure limits on Your Account from time to time.

You may at any time withdraw all or any Unutilised Funds from the Wallet in Your Account by following the relevant instructions on the “Manage My Wallet” section of the Website. We will then issue such funds to You electronically to the Payment Card registered to Your Account or by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”, or by other means that We deem appropriate.

You may only purchase Plays up to the amount available in the Wallet in Your Account unless You are playing by Scheduled Play in which case Clause 4 of these Terms and Conditions below will apply. In any event, the amount in the Wallet in Your Account shall not exceed €750 at any one time or such other sum as We may specify to You from time to time.

You will be able to lock Yourself out of an Interactive Instant Win Game or all Interactive Instant Win Games for a minimum period of 2 days. Where You choose to lock Yourself out of all Interactive Instant Win Games You will receive no marketing messages for the period of Your lock-out.

You will also have the option to suspend Your Account for periods of a minimum of one month or six months.

If You opt to suspend Your Account for a minimum period of one month any funds in Your Wallet will be returned to You, Your Account will be suspended, You will not have the facility to Play via the Website and You will not receive any marketing messages from the Company for the period of your exclusion from the date on which You suspended Your Account. If You opt to suspend your Account and you have purchased a Scheduled Play then that Scheduled Play will be cancelled in accordance with clause 4(D).

If You opt to suspend Your Account for a minimum period of six months any funds in Your Wallet will be returned to You, Your Account will be closed and You will not receive any marketing messages from the Company for the period of Your exclusion from the date on which You suspended Your Account. If You opt to suspend Your Account and You have purchased a Scheduled Play then that Scheduled Play will be cancelled in accordance with clause 4(D).

You will not receive or be entitled to interest on any Unutilised Funds or Prizes associated with Your Account.

(C) Unauthorised Use of Payment Cards

If You notify Your financial institution that unauthorised use of Your registered Payment Card has been undertaken in relation to Your Account and the financial institution requests that the relevant sums be returned by the Company to Your financial institution’s account (chargeback), the Company will suspend Your Account and ask You to contact Customer Support.

The Company reserves the right to debit Your Account with the amount of the chargeback together with any funds that have been used to purchase Plays and which are subject to that chargeback. If that debit results in a negative balance in Your Account, the Company reserves the right to recover that balance from You and You will not be able to make any further Plays unless and until the balance has been so recovered.

(D) Accessing Your Account and Game History

You may access information in relation to Your Account by accessing the “Manage My Account” section of the Website. You will also be able to access certain data from the Website relating to Your previous ninety (90) days of Play.

(E) Expiry or change of Your Payment Card

If at any time during which You maintain an Account, Your registered Payment Card expires or You wish to change Your registered Payment card details, You should update Your registered Payment Card details on the “My Wallet” section of the Website with any new Payment Card details.

If Your registered Payment Card expires then any Ticket purchases You have arranged through Scheduled Play may fail and Your Scheduled Play may be cancelled. You should update Your Payment Card details when required to ensure any Ticket(s) purchased through Scheduled Play participate in the requisite Draw(s).

Please note that there is a limit of one Payment Card registration per month.

(F) Terminating, varying or suspending Your Account

(1) We may, in our sole discretion, terminate, vary or suspend Your Account in the following circumstances if:

(a) You or a third party acting on Your behalf register or operate more than one Account at any one time;
(b) any information that You provide to Us in order to effect Registration of Your Account is fraudulent, false, inaccurate, incomplete or not up to date;
(c) You display any instances of rude, aggressive or otherwise inappropriate behaviour when engaging with PLI, PLI’s employees, our social channels or in any other capacity;
(d) You have committed a material breach of these Terms and Conditions;
(e) You have not provided acceptable Identification Information.

(2) We may terminate, vary or suspend Your access to Your Account, the Interactive Channels or to the Games without notifying You in advance if:

(a) We need to perform essential repair or maintenance work or upgrades on the Central Gaming System; or
(b) for any reason, We no longer provide the Games, or other functionalities such as Accounts or access to the Central Gaming System; or
(c) We, in our sole discretion, deem it necessary.

(3) In the event that We terminate Your Account, We will return any Unutilised Funds to You in accordance with Clause 3(G).

(G) Closing Your Account

If You wish to close Your Account, You may do so by accessing the “Manage My Account” section of the Website. If Your Account remains unused for a continuous period of more than 365 days, then We may suspend and/or terminate Your Account. On the closing of Your Account We will then return any Unutilised Funds to You by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”, or return by other means, as We may deem appropriate.

We will use reasonable endeavours to contact You, however if for any reason We are unable to contact You, any Unutilised Funds due to You will be available to You for a period of six years after Your Account has been closed. Any Unutilised Funds due to You which have not been claimed within this six year period cannot be claimed by You on expiry of this six year period.

(H) Identification Information

Please note that PLI reserves the right to require Identification Information from any Player at any time at its sole discretion, without prior notice. If You do not provide Identification Information, PLI reserves the right to suspend or vary Your Account until this has been provided.


(A) General

Lotto Games, Lotto Plus Games, EuroMillions Games and EuroMillions Plus Games can be played by Scheduled Play. You must be 18 or over, be ID verified, email verified and a resident of Ireland in order to play by Scheduled Play and/or when making any changes to Your Scheduled Play. You must be physically located in Ireland when establishing or updating an instruction to participate continuously via Scheduled Play. You will only be permitted one Scheduled Play Entry per Game and a Scheduled Play Entry will consist of one ticket.

In the case of Lotto and Lotto Plus Games You may opt for a Scheduled Play for a Wednesday Lotto/Lotto Plus Draw only or a Saturday Lotto/Lotto Plus Draw only or You may opt for a Scheduled Play for both a Wednesday and Saturday Lotto/Lotto Plus Draw subject to Game Rules. In the case of EuroMillions and EuroMillions Plus Games You may opt for a Scheduled Play for a Tuesday EuroMillions/EuroMillions Plus Draw only or a Friday EuroMillions/EuroMillions Plus Draw only or You may opt for a Scheduled Play for both a Tuesday and a Friday EuroMillions/EuroMillions Plus Draw subject to the Game Rules. A new Scheduled Play will commence for the next specified Draw to occur after the Draw that is open for the relevant Game at the point of applying for a Scheduled Play, the date of this Draw will be stated on Your Scheduled Play Confirmation. Please take careful note of the specified Draw date as there are periods of time where there is no draw open for a relevant game. It is Your responsibility to ensure You have correctly setup Your Scheduled Play. A Scheduled Play will be entered into every specified Draw for the Game and duration selected. A Scheduled Play may be selected to run for the following durations:

- 26 draws (with two Draws specified for a Lotto or EuroMillions Game per week)/ three months

- 13 draws (with one Draw specified for a Lotto or EuroMillions Game per week)/ three months

- 52 draws (with two Draws specified for a Lotto or EuroMillions Game per week)/ six months

- 26 draws (with one Draw specified for a Lotto or EuroMillions Game per week)/ six months

- 104 draws (with two Draws specified for a Lotto or EuroMillions Game per week)/ 12 months

- 52 draws (with one Draw specified for a Lotto or EuroMillions Game per week)/ 12 months

Time Period

Playing once per week

Playing twice per week

3 months

13 draws

26 draws

6 months

26 draws

52 draws

12 months

52 draws

104 draws

You should check all of the details of Your Scheduled Play are correct before confirming You wish to proceed with the Scheduled Play. You are solely responsible for checking that Your Scheduled Play shows the correct Selections, Games and specified Draw(s) and that Your registered Payment Card details are accurate.

We will make up to two attempts in advance of each specified Draw to take payment for each Scheduled Play Entry. Each attempt will include firstly seeking payment from Your Wallet and if insufficient funds are available, from Your registered Payment Card.

If there are insufficient funds in Your Wallet to pay for the full cost of the Scheduled Play Entry, We will withdraw funds from Your registered Payment Card and You will be sent a Payment Card Notice. You authorise us to withdraw funds from Your registered Payment Card to pay for the full cost of a Scheduled Play Entry in the event there are insufficient funds in Your Wallet. This process will happen before each specified Draw.

Withdrawal of funds for each Scheduled Play Entry shall be subject to Your Account and Play limits as set out in Clause 3(B).

(B) Wager Failure

(1) Spend Limit Failure

If there is a Spend Limit Failure, You will receive:

(a) a Spend Limit Notification if the Spend Limit Failure arises on the first attempt to withdraw funds from Your Wallet to pay for the relevant Scheduled Play Entry for that specified Draw; and/or

(b) a Spend Limit Wager Failure Notification if the Spend Limit Failure arises on the second attempt to withdraw funds from Your Wallet to pay for the relevant Scheduled Play Entry for that specified Draw, and Your Scheduled Play Entry will not be entered into that specified Draw.

(2) Payment Card Failure

If there is a Payment Card Failure, You will receive:

(a) Payment Card Failure Notice if the issue arises on the first attempt to withdraw funds from Your Wallet to pay for the relevant Scheduled Play Entry for that specified Draw; and/or

(b) a Wager Failure Notice if the issue arises on the second attempt to withdraw funds from Your Wallet to pay for the relevant Scheduled Play Entry for that specified Draw, and Your Scheduled Play Entry will not be entered into that specified Draw.

If a Wager Failure Notice is issued for two successive specified Draws Your Scheduled Play will be cancelled for that Game.

(C) Void Scheduled Play

A Scheduled Play Entry will be void and You won't be entitled to any Prize for that Scheduled Play Entry if:

(1) We haven’t received the payment for that Scheduled Play; and/or

(2) You no longer meet any of the criteria set out in Clauses 2(A)(1) and 4(A) or You are within one or more of the categories described in Clause 5(C).

(D) Changes to or Cancellation of Your Scheduled Play

You can update or cancel Your Scheduled Play at any time. You should note that any updates or cancellations shall take effect following the current Open Draw Period.

If You suspend Your Account in accordance with Clause 3(B), Your Scheduled Play will be cancelled. You should note that although any suspension will take effect immediately, Your Scheduled Play cancellation shall take effect following the current Open Draw Period. When the suspension period is over and if You wish to play by Scheduled Play, You will have to submit a new application to play by Scheduled Play,

We can cancel Your Scheduled Play in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

We reserve the right to cancel or change all or part of the Game(s) for which You have a Scheduled Play. This includes, for example, (and subject to Regulator where required), changing the price of the Game(s), the Prize structure and/or the Game play mechanic, changing a Draw, failure to log in to Your Account for 90 days, and/or changing these Terms and Conditions (and any Game Rules) relating to that Game(s). We also reserve the right to cancel Your Scheduled Play Entry to the extent necessary or appropriate to reflect any such cancellation or change. We will notify You in advance of any such cancellation or change and You will be given an opportunity to cancel or update Your Scheduled Play.

(E) Liability

We will not be responsible for any mistakes or omissions in respect of data recorded relating to any Scheduled Play or for failure to be able to take funds from a registered Payment Card including errors attributable to financial institutions. We will also not be liable for any loss of whatever nature suffered or incurred by any person as a result of any such mistakes or omissions affecting a Scheduled Play Entry, including, without limitation, any mistakes or omissions which result in a Selection(s) not being entered into a particular Draw. Charges may be applied by financial institutions in respect of each Scheduled Play using Your registered Payment Card. Any such charges are Your responsibility.

Only the numbers registered in the Central Gaming System will be entered into the Draws on the Draw dates registered in the Central Gaming System. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the information contained in the Scheduled Play and the information contained in the Central Gaming System, the information registered in the Central Gaming System will take priority.

Our liability for any loss of whatever nature suffered or incurred by You as a result of any conflict or inconsistency (whether it was caused by an act or omission of Us, Our employees, retailers, Co-Promoters or other third parties and, whether in negligence or otherwise) is limited to the amount You paid for the Scheduled Play Entry for which You suffered loss.


The General Rules for Interactive Instant Win Games (“General Rules”) are supplemental to any Game Rules and We strongly recommend that You read both these General Rules and any relevant Game Rules before a Play. All Games are subject to and governed by the Act and the Game Rules and/or the Terms and Conditions and/or any applicable Game Rules in force from time to time, and in using this Website You are agreeing to be bound by the provisions thereof.

PLI reserves the right to alter and amend these Terms and Conditions applying to any Game as required from time to time in order to comply with any applicable legislation and/or rules. Game Rules are posted on this Website and are also available from Lottery Headquarters at 1GQ, George's Quay, Dublin 2, D02 Y098.

(A) Sale of Interactive Instant Win Game Plays

The cost of a Play will be set out in the relevant Game Rules. You can purchase a Play for a Game by using the Unutilised Funds in the Wallet in Your Account.

(B) Try for Free Games

For the avoidance of doubt, You are not entitled to any Prizes when You play Try for Free Games that We may offer to registered Players from time to time on the Website.

(C) Restrictions on Purchase and Prize Payment

(1) You acknowledge that the following individuals are not entitled to purchase Plays, nor will any Prize be issued to such individuals:

(a) any Minor whether acting on such Minor's own behalf or on behalf of another person;
(b) any member of the Company board of directors;
(c) any officer or employee of the Company other than those employees who purchase Plays solely in order to test the Central Gaming System and, in particular, the Registration process;
(d) any contractor or subcontractor involved in the development, support and/or maintenance of the Central Gaming System or Website;
(e) any person prohibited by the Act;
(f) any person who holds an Account on the basis of which they are prohibited from any Plays or receiving a Prize (including, without limitation, a person whose Account has been suspended or terminated);
(g) any person who is physically located outside Ireland save for a person who is physically outside Ireland at the time of a Draw but has purchased a valid Play while physically located in Ireland;
(h) any person who does not meet the criteria set out in Clause 2(A)(1) of these Terms and Conditions; and
(i) such other persons or category of persons as We may determine from time to time.

(2) We reserve the right at our sole discretion to limit the amount of Plays available to You or to refuse to sell any Plays to You.

(3) The Company may, at its sole discretion, limit the Plays playable by, or refuse to sell Plays to, any person or persons without giving reasons, but which may include circumstances in which, in its view, that person or persons is or are playing in a manner which it deems to be interfering with other Players' or potential Players' reasonable access to the relevant Game(s).

(D) Play Method for an Interactive Instant Win Game

(1) The Play method for each Game is that indicated on the Website and in the relevant Game Rules and the Game Details Screen for that Game.

(2) You may not enter into any agreement for the issue of a Play or Plays (or for the giving of a Prize) otherwise than in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and any applicable Game Rules.

(E) Outcome Determination for Interactive Instant Win Games

(1) By registering to open an Account and having a Play You acknowledge that:

(a) the Games are games of chance; and
(b) Game animations are for entertainment purposes only and do not, necessarily, represent the outcome of a Play, which is pre-determined by the Central Gaming System at the point of purchase; and
(c) All Prizes must be validated by the Central Gaming System. If there is any discrepancy between Prize amounts displayed during and/or at the end of a Play and what is recorded in the Central Gaming System, the outcome of the Play will be determined by the Central Gaming System; and
(d) You do not exercise any skill or judgement in a Play; and
(e) in the case of the Games, the Central Gaming System distributes Plays based on the probabilities within the Prize Structure and not from a limited pool or range of Plays; and
(f) chances of winning a Prize in each Prize Tier for a Game are identical for each Play in that Game and Your chances of winning are not affected by Your previous Plays or the number of Prizes previously paid either to You or to others in respect of that Game.

(F) Game Rules for Interactive Instant Win Games

The Game Rules will contain at least the following information:

(a) the name of the Game;
(b) price per Play;
(c) purchase and Prize restrictions;
(d) game play mechanism;
(e) determination of Prizes; and
(f) approximate odds of winning a Prize in that Game.

(G) Interactive Instant Win Games Not Played by the Closing Date

If You purchase a Play but do not complete that Play by the closing date within which Prizes can be claimed in respect of that Game or the relevant Game is terminated for any reason, the Central Gaming System will automatically play out that Play. If a Low-Tier Prize is won when the Central Gaming System plays out a Play, then that Prize will be paid directly into Your Player Wallet. If a Mid-Tier (Level 1) Prize is won when the Central Gaming System plays out a Play, then that Prize will be paid electronically to the Payment Card registered to Your Account or by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”, and posted to the address specified in Your Account. If a Mid-Tier (Level 2) Prize is won when the Central Gaming System plays out a Play, then You will be notified by PLI and upon receipt of a completed Prize Claim Form and Your Identification Information (if not previously provided) that Prize will be paid by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”, and posted to the address specified in Your Account. If a High-Tier Prize is won when the Central Gaming System plays out a Play, You will be notified and may redeem the Prize, paid by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”, at Lottery Headquarters upon completion of a satisfactory validation process including but not limited to receipt of Your Identification Information.

(H) Termination of Game

(1) We may at any time, at our own discretion, announce that a Game is to be terminated.

(2) We will display any termination dates for a Game on the Website. Each notice will contain the following information: -

(a) the name of the Game;
(b) the termination date for the Game; and
(c) the closing date within which Prizes can be claimed in respect of that Game (where relevant).

(I) Publicity

We will not publicise any details of any Prize winner without obtaining the prior consent of that person.

(J) Prize Validation Exceptions

(1) All Prizes must be validated by the Central Gaming System. If there is any discrepancy between prize amounts displayed during and/or at the end of a Play and what is recorded in the Central Gaming System, the outcome of the Play and any associated Prize will be determined by the Central Gaming System

(2) Before any Prize can be paid it must be validated in accordance with our Prize validation requirements as set out in clause 5 (L), (M), (N) and (O).

Without prejudice, We reserve the right to declare a Prize claim invalid, and not to pay any Prize and withdraw any invalid Prize paid to Your Wallet if:

(i) the Prize claim is the result of an act perpetrated by a Claimant or other person which was intended to:

(a) increase the chances of that Claimant and/or other person winning a Prize in that Game above those enjoyed by other Players of the Game; or

(b) increase the value of a Prize; or

(c) take advantage of a game defect, fault or system error.

(ii) the Prize claim is counterfeit, has been forged in whole or in part or fails to pass the Company's confidential validation and security tests; or

(iii) the Prize claim is not received by Us within the relevant time limits for claims; or

(iv) the Play Number of a Prize on a particular Game does not appear on our file of Valid Winning Plays or the relevant Prize in relation to the Valid Winning Play with that Play Number has been paid previously; or

(v) the details associated with the Play Number of a Prize claim do not match our file relating to that Play Number; or

(vi) We reasonably believe that a claimed Prize was purchased by a person prohibited under the General Rules from purchasing Plays; or

(vii) We reasonably believe that the person claiming the Prize is not the holder of the relevant Account or his duly authorised representative or that the information provided by the person claiming the Prize is incomplete or has been altered or tampered with; or

(viii) We have not issued or sold the Play; or

(ix) the Play is not a legitimate Play; or

(x) the Play Number, Play Symbols and Captions (where applicable) or any other unique feature of the Prize claim do not correspond precisely with those on the Central Gaming System in respect of the Game to which the Prize claim relates and/or the Prize claim is defective, in whole or in part in any other way; or

(xi) the outcome of an Interactive Instant Win Game Play as displayed on the relevant page of the Website is inconsistent with the result of that Play as predetermined by the Central Gaming System; or

(xii) for Interactive Instant Win Games, the distribution, frequency or amounts of Prizes materially differ from that set out in the Prize Structure for a particular Game.

(3) You are only entitled to claim the Prize(s) for which the Valid Winning Play is eligible and not any other Prize or any otherwise unclaimed Prize for that Game.

(4) We reserve the right to withhold payment of a Prize until We are entirely satisfied as to the validity of a Play and that You have not breached any of these Terms and Conditions and have complied in all respects with the Game Rules, and We reserve the right to call for proof of entitlement to a Prize (including, without limit, Your Identification Information and capacity to claim) and to recover a Prize already incorrectly paid into the Wallet in a Player's Account.

(5) We reserve the right to photograph You or any Claimant for security purposes.

(K) Responsibility for Plays

(1) You are responsible for the safe custody of any information required to make a claim on a particular Play including, without limitation, the relevant Play Number. Failure by a Player to produce such Identification Information as We require on claiming a Prize will result in refusal by the Company to pay the Prize.

(2) You are responsible for claiming and checking that, in the event You receive a Prize, the monetary amount You receive is equivalent to that Prize.

(L) Prize Payment

(1) Your eligibility to win a Prize is subject to the Prize Validation Exceptions described at Clause 5(J).

(2) Subject to the provisions of these General Rules:

(a) We will credit Your Player Wallet with a Low Tier Prize;
(b) We will pay Mid-Tier (Level 1) Prizes electronically to the Payment Card registered to Your Account or by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”, which will be posted to the address specified in Your Account. We will pay Mid-Tier (Level 2) Prizes by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”, which will be posted to the address specified in Your Account, upon receipt of a completed Prize Claim Form and Your Identification Information (if not previously provided);
(c) You will need to claim any High-Tier Prize by attending in person at National Lottery Headquarters and We will pay such Prizes subject to completion of a satisfactory validation process, including but not limited to Your Identification Information. When a High-Tier Prize claim is made We will pay the Prize by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”;
(d) Should You win a Prize which is comprised of an Annuity Payment in the EuroDreams Game You acknowledge that You will be required to follow the relevant prize payment process described in the EuroDreams Game Rules and that You may be required to provide additional documentation to complete an Annuity Application. Payment of Prizes which comprise of an Annuity Payment in the EuroDreams Game will be made to individual winners only, due to the nature of these Prizes. Consequently the EuroDreams Game is not suitable for syndicate or group Play;
(e) Winners of High Tier Prizes who are unable to attend the Company’s headquarters for a stipulated reason may alternatively, and following confirmation from the Company’s claims team, post a claim form and all required documentation to the Company’s headquarters at the winner’s sole risk. Alternatively, and notwithstanding any other provision in these rules, a member of the Company’s claims team may visit the winner to take receipt of all relevant documentation. If valid, claims will be paid by cheque. This will be reviewed by the Company’s claims team on a case-by-case basis. The remote prize claims process will be provided to winners at the Company’s discretion;

(f) The National Lottery will reserve the right to request Identification Information (if not previously provided) at any time from any applicant or Player and will close an Account and return any unutilised funds in the Account in the event that an applicant or Player, subsequent to registration, is identified as underage;
(g) High Tier Prizes must be claimed within 90 days of the relevant Draw for Draw-Based Games Played Interactively, or within 90 days from the date the Play was purchased for Interactive Instant Win Games;
(h) If the High Tier Prize remains unclaimed after 45 days We will use reasonable endeavours to contact You, however if for any reason We are unable to contact You, the Prize not claimed within the 90 day period in the manner specified in these Terms and Conditions shall, at the discretion of the Company, be forfeited and the unclaimed prize money shall be allocated to a special reserve fund to be utilised by the Company in accordance with the Licence;
(i) In the case of Advance Plays for Draw-Based Games Played Interactively, the time limit will expire 90 days after the relevant Draw date for which the Play is eligible.

If You wish to claim a Prize in person, You must present the completed Prize Claim Form and any other information that We may require (including, without limitation, the relevant Play Number and Identification Information) at Lottery Headquarters within the 90 days referred to above.

In the event that a single Play contains multiple winning Plays, the Prize amounts shall be aggregated for the purpose of calculating the total Prize payment amount for that Play and shall be paid in accordance with the Prize payment arrangement specified for that Prize Tier.

(M) Use of Prize Claim Forms

(1) We will require the completion of a Prize Claim Form for any Mid-Tier (Level 2) Prize or High Tier Prize and reserve the right to require the completion of a Prize Claim Form for Low Tier Prizes and Mid-Tier (Level 1) Prizes.

(2) All Prize Claim Forms must be completed in the name of, and signed by, the relevant Account holder and submitted with such Identification Information (if not previously provided) that We will require and specify from time to time. We reserve the right to withhold payment of Prizes where the Prize Claim Form is incomplete or is not submitted with the required documentation.

(3) Notwithstanding Clause 5(M)(2) above, if You are unable to complete a Prize Claim Form due to some legal, physical or other disability, please contact Us and We will make other arrangements on Your behalf.

(4) If You sign a Prize Claim Form, You warrant and represent that You are entitled to claim that Prize and that the information contained in the Prize Claim Form is accurate and complete. You agree to indemnify Us and keep Us indemnified against all loss, liabilities, damages and expenses (including legal and other professional costs and expenses) arising out of or in connection with any breach of this warranty.

(5) If the information submitted by You on a Prize Claim Form differs from or is inconsistent with the information contained on Your Account, We may investigate such difference and/or such inconsistency and retain any Prize until such time We are satisfied that You are entitled to such Prize.

(N) Payment to Prize Winners in Person and/or by Post

(1) Without prejudice to clause 5 (L), We reserve the right to pay Prizes by cheque, electronically and/or by any other method that We may approve from time to time. All cheques will be stamped “Account Payee Only”.

(2) We are not liable to You where a third party has claimed a Prize by impersonating You or by otherwise assuming Your identity.

(3) Under no circumstances will any confirmation that You have purchased a Play be evidence that You are entitled to a Prize.

(4) We reserve the right, at our option, to withhold or recover Prizes (as appropriate) in the following circumstances:

(a) where You are not entitled under law or under these Terms and Conditions to that Prize; or
(b) Your Prize claim is invalid or defective in any other way; or
(c) any Prize is defective in any way.

In such circumstances, We may undertake appropriate investigations and, in the event that We determine that You are lawfully entitled, to the relevant Prize, We shall credit the amount of that Prize to the Wallet in Your Account or pay the relevant amount to You in accordance with the provisions of clause 5 (L) without any interest provisions.

(O) Payment to Persons Under a Legal or Other Disability

We will make any relevant payments required under these Terms and Conditions to Your duly authorised representative if You are under a legal or other disability.

We may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to determine the lawful payee in any particular case.


(A) Provision and use of Player Equipment

(1) You must provide all relevant equipment and technology necessary to Play access Your Account and the Website. We shall not be liable to You for any failure by You to provide such equipment.

(B) Other Jurisdictions

You acknowledge that it is a breach of these Terms and Conditions to Play any Game when physically located outside Ireland and You warrant and undertake that You are not physically located in any jurisdiction outside Ireland when you Play any Game. In the event that We discover that You have initiated a Play of any Game while physically outside Ireland, We reserve the right to immediately terminate Your Account.

(C) Use of Content

(1) Copyright and all other intellectual property rights, and any trade marks to and in the Website, the Interactive Channels and the Games vest in the Company and We retain all right(s), title(s) and interest(s) and intellectual property right(s) in such materials.

(2) You acknowledge that Your use of the Website and any of its facilities and/or services are for Your personal and non-commercial use only. In particular, You agree not to copy, modify, transmit, display, produce, re- produce, licence, publish, create derivative work from, transfer or sell any information, software, products and services contained on or forming part of the Website, the Interactive Channels or the Games. You agree, to the maximum extent permitted by law, not to reverse engineer or decompile (either in whole or in part) any software used in connection with the Website, the Interactive Channels, the Central Gaming System and/or the Games.

(D) Warranties and Indemnities

You warrant and undertake that You will only use Your Account, Play or otherwise use the Website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and, in particular, You will not:

(a) use the Website or any of the services available via the Website in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the Website, the Interactive Channels, the Central Gaming System or the Games, or interfere with any other party’s use of this Website, the Interactive Channels, the Central Gaming System or the Games;

(b) use the Website to transmit, access or receive any obscene, pornographic, threatening, racist, abusive, unlawful, libellous, or defamatory content or any content which is in breach of any intellectual property right or might otherwise be objectionable; and

(c) use the Website to hack into any computer system or otherwise gain unauthorised access to that system, deliver, spam or chain mails or other junk mail, or to facilitate or operate any pyramid scheme;

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and (as applicable) its officers, directors, employees, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers or other representatives, against any and all claims, demands, losses, expenses, damages and costs, including legal costs, however arising, resulting from any violation or breach by You of Clause 6(D).

(E) Liability

(1) Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude or limit any person's liability for (a) fraud; (b) death or personal injury caused by their negligence.

(2) You acknowledge that there may be circumstances in which We may declare a Play or Game to be defective. In such circumstances, Your relevant Plays of that Game and all relevant Prizes that You have won shall be void and We shall either:

(a) give You an opportunity to play another Play of equivalent price; or
(b) refund You the sums paid by You in purchasing the defective Play or claimed Play.

(3) You do not have the right to cancel a Play and no refunds will be given in any circumstances.

(4) You acknowledge that the timeframe for completion of payment relating to a purchase of a Play may be elongated owing to technical errors or omissions and You acknowledge that You remain liable for the cost of such a Play. The Company reserves the right to require a delayed payment.

(5) You acknowledge that We are not liable to You under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions for the following losses or damage (even if reasonably foreseeable):

(a) economic loss, including, all loss of profits, business, revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings; and
(b) direct, special, indirect or consequential loss.

(6) You acknowledge that We are not liable to You (including for the non-payment of a Prize) for:

(a) any mistakes caused by all or part of the computer systems or records of PLI or any third party (including, without limitation, the Website, the National Lottery App, or Central Gaming System), including, without limitation, mistakes which result in a Selection(s) not being entered into a particular Draw; or

(b) any other action or event which prevents or hinders the issue of a valid Play (including without limitation the failure of the National Lottery App or Website to display correctly on any device used to view it); or

(c) any failure on the part of PLI to correctly inform You if you have purchased a valid Play.

(7) In addition, You acknowledge that We are not liable to You for any event that is beyond our reasonable control, including an act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, robbery, death or serious illness, strike or industrial disputes, or accident, fire, flood or storm, (including in the case of each of the foregoing in relation to our employees or sub-contractors).

(F) Our decisions are binding

(1) Our decisions as to whether or not a Play is a Valid Winning Play or in respect of any other matter or dispute arising from the payment or awarding or non-payment or non-awarding of Prizes is final and binding on You and upon all Players and/or any other person or persons having any interest in the matter or dispute.

(2) Subject to Clause 6(E)(2), Your sole remedy in respect of any breach by Us of these Terms and Conditions shall be, at our option, either to reimburse the cost of the disputed Play, or to replace the disputed Play with a Play of equivalent price.

(G) Miscellaneous

(1) Players may not assign (in whole or in part) their obligations under these Terms and Conditions. Any breach of the prohibition on assignment may result in the use of an Account, the provision of Games and/or access to the Interactive Channels being terminated by the Company forthwith. The Company may assign these Terms and Conditions in whole or in part to any third party at its sole discretion.

(2) These Terms and Conditions and the rights and obligations of the Company and Players set out herein shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of Ireland and You hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts.

(3) In these Terms and Conditions where the context admits: -

(a) References to statutory provisions shall be construed as references to those provisions as amended or re-enacted or as their application is modified by other provisions from time to time and shall include references to any provisions of which they are re-enactments (whether with or without modification).
(b) References to the singular include the plural and references to the plural include the singular; and references to the male include the female and references to the female include the male.

(4) PLI is entitled, in its absolute discretion, to waive certain technical or contractual non-compliance by a Player. The Player in such circumstances will be bound by PLI's decision which will be final. Neither that Player nor any other Player shall be entitled to bring proceedings against PLI in such circumstances notwithstanding any consequential financial or other ramifications or alleged ramifications for the Player or any other Player. Each Player acknowledges that PLI's discretion in this regard is required to permit PLI to operate a flexible business model notwithstanding any breach or alleged breach of the Terms and Conditions by any Player.

(5) All Game Rules are approved by the Regulator in accordance with Section 45 of the Act.

(6) Please address all enquiries relating to these Terms and Conditions to The National Lottery, 1GQ, George's Quay, Dublin 2, D02 Y098.

Contact Numbers and Addresses

Telephone Enquiries

Phone: 01-8891000

International Phone + 353-1-8891000
Complaints or comments should also be directed to the above number.

Postal Enquiries 

National Lottery,

1GQ, George's Quay,

Dublin 2,

D02 Y098.

Electronic Enquiries

Email for support: support@lottery.ie
Website: www.lottery.ie

Complaints or comments can also be made using any of the methods above.

Lottery Headquarters

Premier Lotteries Ireland DAC

1GQ, George's Quay,

Dublin 2

D02 Y098.

Phone: 01-8891000

Fax: 01-8366034
International Phone + 353-1-8891000


The following words have the following meanings in these Terms and Conditions:

Account means the account maintained by a Player on the Interactive Channels;

Account Notification means a notification to You which is sent via Your Account and/or email;

Act means the National Lottery Act 2013 as may be amended or replaced from time to time including any regulation made thereunder;

Advance Play means the facility to play a Draw-Based Game Played Interactively in advance;

Annuity Application has the meaning given to it in the EuroDreams Game Rules;

Annuity Payment has the meaning given to it in the EuroDreams Game Rules;

Central Gaming System has the meaning provided under the Act;

Claimant means a Player who submits a claim for a Prize payment within the applicable claim period as specified in the relevant Game Rules;

Company or We or Us or PLI means Premier Lotteries Ireland DAC;

Co-Promoter means a body or organisation established in a territory outside the Territory which is licensed, authorised or otherwise permitted by the relevant authority to operate and promote a lottery forming part of the EuroMillions Game in a territory outside Ireland but within the European Economic Area;

Customer Support means the Company's registration and customer services helpline, contact details of which are set out in the "Frequently Asked Questions" section of the Website;

Data Privacy Statement means the policy established by the Company in respect of the use and storage of a Player’s personal information (as amended from time to time);

Draw means the process which is used to randomly select a set of Winning Numbers and a Bonus Number, where applicable, for a given Draw-Based Game;

Draw-Based Game means a National Lottery Game, the results of which are determined by a Draw and in which a Player’s Selection(s) is/are recorded on the Central Gaming System;

Draw-Based Game Played Interactively means a Draw-Based Game which can be played by Players via Interactive Channels;

Financial Transaction History means the previous 90 days financial information relating to an Account;

Game or Games means any lottery game run by the Company which form part of the National Lottery;

Game Details Screen means the screen on the Website setting out information relating to a Game;

Game Play Window means the screen on the Site via which a Player Plays;

Games-Related Information means a Player's transaction history, Game history and any information the Company requires a Player to submit to it via Interactive Channels before providing that Player with access to the Interactive Games which may include, without limitation, the Player's name, Password, Payment card details, security information, address details, Identification Information, email address, date of birth and gender;

Game Rules means any rules or conditions issued by the Company in relation to a specific Game.

General Rules means General Rules for Interactive Instant Win Games which govern and are to be read in conjunction with the Game Rules. In the event of any conflict between the General Rules and the Game Rules, the rules which shall prevail will be those as set out within the relevant set of Game Rules which are additional to these Terms and Conditions and are hereby incorporated by reference;

High Tier Prize means a Prize exceeding €9,999, paid by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”, and which must be redeemed in person at National Lottery Headquarters upon receipt of a completed Prize Claim Form and Identification Information;

Identification Information means any information required by the Company to verify the identity of a Claimant, a Player Registration or to maintain an Account including, but not limited to a copy of a passport or a driving licence;

Interactive Channels means communications over the internet that use any device from which the internet is able to be accessed and includes the Website and/or the National Lottery App;

Interactive Instant Win Game means a Game in which the Central Gaming System determines at the point of purchase of a Play whether or not a Player has won a Prize and the level of any such Prize;

Ireland means the Republic of Ireland;

Licence means the licence granted by the Regulator to the Company pursuant to which the Company is authorised to operate the National Lottery;

Lottery Headquarters means the principal administrative offices of the Company;

Low-Tier Prize means a Prize within the range of €1 - €99, which will be paid directly to a Player’s Wallet;

Mid-Tier (Level 1) Prize means a Prize within the range of €100 to €500. Mid-Tier (Level 1) Prizes will be paid electronically to the Payment Card registered to Your Account or by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”, and posted to the address specified in Your Account;

Mid-Tier (Level 2) Prize means a Prize within the range of €501 - €9,999. Winners will be contacted by PLI to verify their age and identification details. Upon receipt of a completed Claim Form and Your Identification Information (if not previously provided) the Mid-Tier (Level 2) Prize will be paid by cheque, stamped “Account Payee Only”, and posted to the address specified in Your Account;

Minister means the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform or his successor in title;

Minor means any individual below the age of 18 years;

National Lottery has the meaning provided under the Act;

National Lottery App means the National Lottery software application which enables a Player to access the Website to Play via supported mobile devices. A list of supported devices is available on www.lottery.ie.;

Open Draw Period means, in respect of the Draw following an edit to or cancellation of a Scheduled Play, the period between the first attempt to take payment for a Scheduled Play Entry for such Draw and the completion of the second such attempt;

Password means the alphanumeric identifier used by a Player to identify him/herself when accessing and using certain areas of the Interactive Channels;

Payment Card means a debit card issued by a financial institution located within, and compliant with, SEPA (please note that PLI reserves the right to amend this list of authorised countries at its sole discretion, without prior notice. Any such change is binding as soon as You access the Website);

Payment Card Failure means an attempt to draw payment for a Scheduled Play Entry is rejected by the payment provider;

Payment Card Failure Notice means an email notification and an Account Notification to a Player notifying them that there has been a Payment Card Failure for a Scheduled Play Entry;

Payment Card Notice means an email notification and an Account Notification sent to a Player that payment for a Scheduled Play has been drawn from their registered Payment Card;

Play means, in relation to any Interactive Instant Win Game, any interaction by a Player with their Account which may yield a Prize as described in the ‘Game Play Mechanism’ of the relevant Game Rules; and in relation to any Draw-Based Game, any interaction by a Player with their Account which results in a wager, entry or selection for a Draw which may yield a Prize and which conforms with the ‘Method of Play’ described in the relevant Game Rules;

Play Number means the number accessible on the relevant page of the Website or Interactive Channel which is unique to and which identifies a particular Play and which is recorded on the Central Gaming System;

Play Symbol and Caption means the symbol and (if appropriate) the caption that appears in the Game Play Window for a given Play. The symbols for individual Games, where applicable, will be specified in the relevant applicable Game Rules;

Play Validation Exceptions mean exceptions to the Company's Play validation requirements as set out or referred to in the Terms and Conditions and as may be amended by the Company from time to time;

Player or You or Your means a person who has registered to Play via the Website or National Lottery App and, for the avoidance of doubt, has satisfied the various Player criteria as set out in these Terms and Conditions;

Prize means a prize won by a Player from a Play in a Game and which has been validated on the Central Gaming System and is in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the relevant Game Rules;

Prize Claim Form means the printed form issued by the Company that a Claimant may be required to complete and submit in order to claim a Prize the contents of which may be varied by the Company from time to time;

Prize Structure means the various Prize amounts, expected number of Prizes and chances of winning a Prize for each Game as determined by the Company, approved by the Regulator, specified in the Game Rules and recorded on the Central Gaming System;

Prize Tier(s) means the prizes available in the Game as set out in the ‘Determination of Prizes’ in the applicable Game Rules;

Quick Pick means a Play(s) which, instead of being selected by a Player, is/are selected on a random basis by the Central Gaming System;

Registration means the registration process which prospective Players must complete in order to open an Account, which includes the provision of Identification Information;

Regulator has the definition provided under the Act;

Scheduled Play is the instruction by a Player to PLI to Play continuously in a Lotto Game (with or without Lotto Plus Game) for specified Draws and durations or a EuroMillions Game (with or without Plus) for specified Draws and durations by using the funds in their Wallet or, if insufficient funds are available in their Wallet, using their registered Payment Card;

Scheduled Play Cancellation Notice means an email notification and an Account Notification sent to a Player notifying them that their Scheduled Play has been cancelled;

Scheduled Play Confirmation means the screen showing Your Selections and Games and the date of the first Draw which You will be entered into;

Scheduled Play Entry means an individual Play which has been paid for by Scheduled Play;

Selection or Selections mean(s) the set of numbers chosen by a Player (whether chosen by himself or via Quick Pick) for the purpose of making a Play or Plays;

Spend Limit Failure means You have reached the Play limits set in Your Account (or will exceed those amounts as a result of a Scheduled Play Entry) and the attempt to draw payment for a Scheduled Play Entry has been rejected;

Spend Limit Notification means an email notification and an Account Notification sent to a Player explaining that a Spend Limit Failure has occurred;

Spend Limit Wager Failure Notification means an email notification and an Account Notification sent to a Player explaining that a Spend Limit Failure has occurred and that there has been no Scheduled Play Entry for the next specified Draw;

Try for Free Game means a Game which is available to registered Players free of charge and for which there are notional prizes only;

Unutilised Funds means any funds credited to the Wallet in an Account (including Prizes) that are not used by the relevant Player to Play;

User ID means the 6-30 character identifier used by a Player to identify himself when accessing and using certain areas of the Interactive Channels;

Valid Winning Play means a winning Play which meets all the relevant validation requirements as set out in these Terms and Conditions;

Wager Failure Notice means an email notification and an Account Notification sent to a Player notifying them that they have not been entered into a Draw;

Wallet means an on-line account created by the Player and credited with funds from a registered Payment Card in order to Play, which may hold Prize money and is accessible via the Website;

Website means the National Lottery website, which is accessible through the URL www.lottery.ie and the National Lottery App.