How to play Millionaire Raffle

Somewhere out there is a brand new Millionaire, thanks to our Christmas Millionaire Raffle!

It's a limited affair with only 600,000 tickets. The draw is automated and takes place on New Year’s Eve, 31 December 2024 in National Lottery headquarters. Tickets are now on sale at €25 each. Results for all prizes will be available on our website by 1 January 2025. Tickets may also be checked at National Lottery agents or scanned using the National Lottery app.


There are 8,500 prizes in total and six prize levels ranging from €500 up to €1,000,000.

The total value of all prizes available to win in the Game is €6.3425 Million, representing 42.28% of the prize fund, which means the likely proportion of the proceeds of the Game which are expected to be paid in prizes. The likely proportion of the proceeds of the Game is calculated based on sell out of all tickets. The actual proportion of proceeds paid in prizes may vary depending on the actual sales volume.

How to play

The tickets cost €25 each and are sold in consecutive order, so you don't even need to fill out numbers. It's a perfect gift for Christmas or the New Year..... make someone a Millionaire!

Important stuff!

If you buy more than one ticket, they may not have consecutive numbers on them. Once purchased, tickets cannot be cancelled.

All prizes are guaranteed. Remember, your ticket is your ONLY valid receipt for claiming a prize, so sign the back and keep it safe: it could be worth a Million!

PrizeNumber of Prizes
Level 1: €1,000,0001 prize
Level 2: €100,0006 prizes
Level 3: €10,00015 prizes
Level 4: €5,00045 prizes
Level 5: €1,000302 prizes
Level 6: €5008,131 prizes

Gift Responsibly

Play responsibly, Play for fun.
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The National Lottery games on this website are promoted by Premier Lotteries Ireland Designated Activity Company under licence issued by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform in accordance with the National Lottery Act 2013. Find out more