Lock instant win games

If you feel you are spending too much time or money on online instant win games and only want to use your account to play Draw based games, the instant win game lock out feature will remove the online games from your account.

How does it work

You can choose to lock instant win games for a minimum period of two days or for longer if you wish. You can choose one particular game or all games, and there is also a customisable date field that will allow to choose the duration of the lock.

Who should use this feature?

If you feel you are spending too much time or money on Instant Win Games, but want to continue to play the Lottery or EuroMillions, then this feature is for you.

How long can you lock Instant Win games for?

You can lock Instant Win Games for one month, up to five years. There is also an option to permanently lock them should you wish to.

What happens when my chosen period ends?

The lock will automatically lift and games will be accessible again.

Do you need to take a break?

Helpful Contacts

If you're worried about yourself or someone you know there is a variety of tools and support available.

Problem Gambling Ireland

or call them for support on

Gamblers Anonymous

or call them for support on

The Rutland Centre

or call them for support on

Net Nanny


Play responsibly, Play for fun.
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The National Lottery games on this website are promoted by Premier Lotteries Ireland Designated Activity Company under licence issued by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform in accordance with the National Lottery Act 2013. Find out more